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Recommendation letters

My Road map


My first goal is attending college, is a whole-souled desire of mine. And wanting to attend college stems from my want to further my education in the career and field I choose. In addition, true independence can be gained from the experiences you go through in college. You are forced to live, explore, and even think on your own. This sort of independence is what I have longed for, and college will provide that for me.

I really want to go to college to study computer science. I love technology. It’s a huge part of my daily life. Computer science has captivated my attention because it’s really compelling. I’ve always wanted to learn about the technology  in our computers and our phones. Learning to understand this field may help me in figuring out problems and open doors for internships and jobs in the future.  

One of my personal goals is becoming fearless . As a cautious person I am always anxious every ordinary day to serve my mental health. This goal is personal in a psychological way. Risk taking is the exercise that will play in the process.  When I meet my goal I hope to feel relief and let loose.

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